Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Sugarplum Cottage to Monarch Cottage 17


The Monarchs have arrived! 

The Monarchs are enjoying the fresh spring growth on the sod roof. The pink flowers are blooming. (Click the photo to see an enlarged version.)

A few of them landed on the backside of the cottage.

The question of what to use for the baseboards has been answered. Half-inch strips from the cereal box were covered with Contact paper. 

One of the boards is turned over to show the back, which will take glue very nicely. The Contact paper is stuck to the printed side. Now all of the exposed wood in the cottage will match. The plain wooden boards fit the nature of the cottage much better than the milled skirting boards from the stash. Rustic rules. 

The floors needed to be touched up. When the paint is dry, the baseboards will be glued in place. 

The niche on the upper floor is an awkward detail. Cover it? Maybe put the bed in that corner to block it?